Course Structure

The course material is split into six Learning Modules. Each Learning Module contains two or three Learning Questions that will facilitate our progression through the content. Each Learning Module corresponds roughly to one week of material and will follow a before, during, and after pattern for covering the material.

Before each class session, you will complete Preparation tasks which will help you familiarize yourself with the basic concepts of the upcoming lesson.

During each class session, I will begin with spending around 10 minutes going over the Preparation assignments and responding to any questions you have. Next, we will spend around 45 minutes doing activities on the more difficult concepts from the material. Throughout this period, you will work on the activities and with your smaller Team of peers and we will go over answers and discuss items in more detail as an entire class.

After this first portion of the class session, I will give you around 20 minutes to link the material to previous content or take a mental/restroom break. To aid in linking the material to previous content, you could spend this time to review old activities, discuss the material in more detail with your Team of peers or me, start on your Exercises, etc.

After this break, we do a similar process. That is, I will spend around 10 minutes introducing the activity, you will spend another 45 minutes doing activities with your smaller Team of peers and full class discussion. Then we will spend around 10 minutes wrapping up, discussing some of the main points, or taking short ungraded quizzes to give you feedback on your learning.

After each class session, you will need to complete any activity that we started, but did not complete during the session and additional Follow-up tasks. You will also have Exercises, Applications, and Projects to complete.