Throughout the course you will engage with various kinds of learning tasks. These tasks will assist you in learning the material as well as demonstrating how well you have learned it.
You will complete tasks leading up to the synchronous meetings, typically due Friday by 11:59 pm. Preparation assignments will involve readings, videos, or some other interaction with content and then working tasks that meet baseline learning objectives.
These tasks involve completing the activities started during a class session or various other opportunities to stay engaged with the course material. You do not need to complete these with your Team members, though you are certainly welcome and encouraged to do so. These are typically due Tuesdays by 11:59pm.
Once a week, you will complete a set of online homework problems (around 16 items) that cover the previous week’s material. These will be posted on Blackboard and typically due Sundays by 11:59 pm.
Roughly every other week, you will receive a collection of problems for every Learning Target that has been covered up to that point. Each problem will include a detailed rubric explaining what constitutes acceptable work for that Learning Target.
These are meant to have you extend your knowledge from the Learning Targets. You are welcome to begin working on these as soon as they have been made available.
You will also have a final exam that consists of two parts:
- A big-picture project that contributes to the plus/minus designation on your final course grade, and
- A final Application that gives you the chance to meet any Learning Targets that you have not yet completed.