
There is no partial credit or extra credit available in this course. Instead, almost all work you do in this course can be revised and resubmitted to allow you to improve your work and raise your grade. Here are how revisions will work on the specific learning tasks throughout the course.

Preparation and Follow-up tasks

These items may not be revised as these are graded on the basis of completeness and effort and are intended to be done once.


Items assigned in Exercises can be redone and resubmitted as many times as you want until the deadline.

Learning Targets

These tasks can be revised by reattempting the item on a later Application or through one of the other means described in Grading. That is, if you do not earn a check for a particular Learning Target on an Application, you can 1) redo a similar problem on a later Application, 2) schedule a video conference to attempt a similar problem, 3) create a video working through a similar problem, or 4) explain why you believe work that you submitted on a Project met the standards for that Learning Target.


A Project earning “S”, “R”, or “I” can be revised and resubmitted at any time. They will be regraded using the same standards as originally used. However, there are two limitations on your revisions and resubmissions for Projects:

  1. You cannot submit more than two Projects per week.
  2. If you receive an “I” on your original submission, you must schedule an appointment with me to discuss that Project in more detail.