Details on how proficiency grading relates to the specific learning activities are provided here.
Preparation, Follow-up, and Exercises
These tasks will be graded either “complete” () or “not complete” ().
For Preparation and Follow-up tasks, a “complete” () is given if the work is turned in on time and if every item has a response that represents a good-faith effort to be right. Correctness of a submission is not used to determine your mark. This includes work that has missing responses (even if by accident), work that includes responses like “I don’t know” or shows insufficient effort to give a good-faith response, and work that is late (even if by accident).
For Exercises, a “complete” () is given for each item turned in on time and is correct. You can redo and resubmit Exercises as many times as you would like until their due date. Exercises cannot be revised or resubmit after their due date.
Learning Targets
There are twenty Learning Targets in this course, of which ten are designated as Core targets due to their nature in statistical computing and the other ten are designated as Supplemental targets. There are two levels of achievement for a Learning Target: Competent and Proficient. You will have numerous opportunities to demonstrate your level of understanding on the Learning Targets throughout the semester and every time they will be graded either “complete” () or “not yet” ().
- To have a Learning Target rated as Competent, you must earn one “complete” ()
- To have a Learning Target rated as Proficient, you must earn two “completes” ()
You can earn a “complete” () on a Learning Target in four different ways:
- Complete a Learning Target on an Application that meets the criteria for acceptable quality.
- Schedule an oral assessment through a video conference where I will provide you with a new version of an Application-like problem and you work through the problem live at an acceptable level.
- Create a video of yourself working out the solution to an Application-like problem that I will create for you and submit the video. Your video must adhere to standards for video creation (e.g., video must have clear sound and keep your face, voice, work in the frame at all times). You will also be expected to have a follow-up video conference with me to discuss the solution and answer additional related questions.
- Use work on a Project and schedule a video conference with me to explain how your work on the Project demonstrates proficiency of the Learning Target and answer additional related questions.
No more than one “complete” () can be earned through options 2-4. That is, to have a Learning Target Rated as Proficient, you must earn one “complete” () through an Application.
Work on Projects will earn one of four designations: Excellent (E), Sufficient (S), Revise (R), or Incomplete (I). Whenever you submit a Project, you will be given extensive, actionable feedback on what was done well along with what needs to be improved. The process for how these marks will be assigned will be provided to you and discussed in detail prior to your first Project being made available.
Final Grade Determination
Your course grade is determined using two steps. First, your base grade (The letter A, B, C, D, or F without plus or minus) is determined using the table provided below. In order to earn a particular letter grade, you must complete all the requirements in the column for that grade. Your base grade is the highest grade level for which all the requirements have been met or exceeded.
Activity | D | C | B | A |
Core Learning Targets (10) |
5 Competent+ | 5 Competent+, 5 Proficient |
3 Competent+, 7 Proficient |
10 Proficient |
Supplemental Learning Targets (10) |
5 Competent+ | 3 Competent+, 3 Proficient |
5 Competent+, 3 Proficient |
3 Competent+, 5 Proficient |
Exercises ( |
Preparation and Follow-up ( |
Projects ( |
2 Sufficient+ | 2 Excellent |
4 Excellent |
Numbers in parentheses next to each Activity are the total number of items currently planned. If these totals change, this table will be updated accordingly and you will also be notified by a course announcement. For Core and Supplemental Learning Targets, “Competent+” means “either Competent or Proficient”; for Projects, “Sufficient+” means “either Sufficient or Excellent”.
A grade of “F” is given if not all the requirements for a “D” are met.
Once your base grade has been determined, a plus/minus distinction may be added to your base grade according to these guidelines:
plus (+) | A “plus” may be added to your base grade if all the requirements for a base grade are satisfied and the big-picture portion of the final exam is passed; and either the Learning Targets (both Core and Supplemental) or Projects requirement for the next level up is also satisfied. |
minus (-) | A “minus” may be added to your base grade for any of the following cases: 1. All requirements for a base grade are satisfied except one that is no more than two levels below the others. If the deficient area is more than two levels lower, you will either earn a minus earn a full letter grade lower, at my discretion; or 2. The minimum requirements for a base grade (i.e., none of the requirements for higher levels are met) and you do not pass the big-picture portion of the final exam. |
Note: I cannot award an “A+” or a “D-” since these grades do not exist at GVSU.